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Joke Topics Beginning with the letter 'B'

This is page 1 of the index of joke topics that begin with the letter 'B'.

The joke topics listed on this page are: - Babies - Bachelors - Backwards - Bacteria - Bad Ideas - Bagpipes - Bakers - Baking - Bald - Bananas.

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Here are some randomly selected joke topics beginning with the letter 'B'


Many a poor husband was once a rich bachelor.


Why do pipers like to march as they play the bagpipes?
A moving target is more challenging to hit.


How do you get a baby astronaut to go to sleep?
You rocket.


What is worse than a boy playing the bagpipes?
Two boys playing the bagpipes.


What goes oom, oom?
A cow walking backward.

Bad ideas

Why is it a bad idea to iron a four-leaf clover?
Because you should never press your luck.


How many bagpipe players does it take to change a light bulb?
Five. One to change the bulb and four to play a lament for the old one!


Support bacteria - It's the only culture some people have!


Why do bagpipers walk when they play?
They're trying to get away from the noise.


He supports bacteria, it's the only culture he has.
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