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Joke Topic - 'Bald'

Here are 4 jokes on the topic - 'Bald'.

I said to my uncle, 'How long have you been bald?'
He said, 'Ever since the war, lad. I lost it in a hair raid.'
There was a man who painted rabbits all over his bald head.
Claimed they looked like hares from a distance.
What did the bald man say when he was given a comb as a birthday present?
Thanks, I'll never part with it.
Why was the bird wearing a wig?
Because it was a bald eagle.

Here are some randomly selected joke topics


I call my girlfriend 'Sugar' because she is so refined.


Did you hear the one about the cannibal who got married and, at the wedding reception, toasted his mother-in-law?


Doctor, Doctor, I keep thinking that I'm a bridge.
Now then, what's come over you?
Two cars and a truck.


I'm not as dumb as you look.


What kind of dog is good at looking after children?
A baby setter.


Mary: Why do you call your boyfriend 'wonder'?
Karen: Because I look at him and wonder.


What do huge sea monsters like to eat?
Fish and ships!


How does a spoiled rich girl change a light bulb?
She says, 'Daddy, I want a new apartment.'


Why was the art dealer unable to pay the rent on his store?
He had run out of Monet.
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