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Joke Topics Beginning with the letter 'B' - Page 2

This is page 2 of the index of joke topics that begin with the letter 'B'.

The joke topics listed on this page are: - Bankers - Bankrupt - Banks - Barbers - Bark - Barking - Barmen - Bars - Bartenders - Baseball.

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Here are some randomly selected joke topics beginning with the letter 'B'


What do you call a barber who cuts hair in a library?
A barbarian!!


I used to work in a bank, but then I lost interest.


What is the difference between a banker and a vampire?
A vampire only sucks blood at night.


Why can't you keep secrets in a bank?
Because of all the tellers.


Which rabbits became famous bank robbers?
Bunny and Clyde.


How does a barber cut the moon's hair?
Eclipse it.


If bankers can count, how come they have eight windows and only four tellers?


Fred: I'm sorry your rubber ball factory went bankrupt.
George: Yes, but I'll bounce back.


Bill: What's the name of your bank?
George: Piggy.


Teacher: 'What is the outer part of a tree called?'
Pupil: 'I don't know sir.'
Teacher: 'Bark, boy, bark.'
Pupil: 'Woof-woof.'
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