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Joke Topics Beginning with the letter 'D' - Page 2

This is page 2 of the index of joke topics that begin with the letter 'D'.

The joke topics listed on this page are: - Dead - Deaf - Death - Deer - Deja Vu - Dentists - Deodorants - Depressed - Detectives - Die.

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Here are some randomly selected joke topics beginning with the letter 'D'


How do you call a deer with no eyes.
No idea.


What do you call a deer who's a bit of a wimp?
A namby-pamby Bambi!


Why did the donut go to the dentist?
It wanted to get a chocolate filling.


Knock, knock.
Who's there? Weirdo.
Weirdo who?
Weirdo the deer and the antelopes play?


What do you call an old dentist?
A bit long in the tooth.


What did the tooth say to the departing dentist?
Fill me in when you get back.


How did the dentist become a brain surgeon?
His drill slipped.


What did the dentist see when he visited the North Pole?
A molar bear.

Deja vu

Doctor, Doctor, I believe I am suffering from Deja Vu!
Didn't I see you yesterday?


Did you hear about the dentist and the manicurist?
They fight tooth and nail.
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