What does Mrs. Claus use to make her cakes?
Elf-raising flour.
Which dog gives you Christmas presents?
Santa Paws.
What do fish sing at Christmas?
Shark, the herald angels sing.
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Wanda Witch.
Wanda Witch who?
Wanda Witch you a Merry Christmas.
Did you hear about the pig who began hiding her food in November?
She wanted to do her Christmas slopping early.
At Christmas time, what do irate rodents send to each other?
Cross mouse cards.
What did Santa Claus's wife say during a thunderstorm?
'Come and look at the rain, dear.'
What happens to you at Christmas?
Yule be happy.
Why does Father Christmas go down chimneys?
Because they soot him.
How do cats greet each other at Christmas?
'I wish you a furry merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.'
What did Adam say on December 24th?
It's Christmas, Eve.
What carol do elephants like to sing at Christmas?
Noel-ephants, Noel-ephants...