Jokes and Funny Stories

lots of jokes and funny stories

On this website you will find loads of jokes and funny stories on lots of different subjects to laugh at. The humor content on this site is suitable for all ages to see.

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  • Random Jokes
    A selection of jokes or funny stories chosen at random from our jokes database.

Our 'Joke of the Day' for Monday, October 14th, 2024

Patient: Doctor, you must help me. I'm under such a lot of stress, and I keep losing my temper with people.
Doctor: Tell me about your problem.

Here are some random jokes

Office Humor

Office Humor

Too few of the bucks stop here.
Funny Car Bumper Stickers

Funny Car Bumper Stickers

I support the legal system: the faster I drive the more money they get!
Funny Car Bumper Stickers

Funny Car Bumper Stickers

Honk your horn if you like peace and quiet.
Funny Intelligence Tests

Funny Intelligence Tests

If King Kong went to Hong Kong to play ping-pong and died, what would they put on his coffin?
A lid.
What Do? Jokes

What Do? Jokes

What do you call a cow that plays the guitar?
A Moosician.
Jokes About Dogs

Jokes About Dogs

What type of dog wears a uniform and a badge?
A guard dog.
Knock Knock Jokes

Knock Knock Jokes

Knock, Knock. Who's there?
Gruesome who?
I like flowers so I gruesome.
American Humor - Jokes and Funny Stories

American Humor - Jokes and Funny Stories

What breed of dog rides a horse named Macaroni?
Yankee poodle!
What Has? Jokes

What Has? Jokes

What has a bottom at the top?
I don't know. What has a bottom at the top?
Your legs.