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Jokes and Funny Stories

On this website you will find loads of jokes and funny stories on lots of different subjects to laugh at. The humor content on this site is suitable for all ages to see.

Our 'Joke of the Day' for Monday, February 10th, 2025

1st Cannibal: What's the matter with you?
2nd Cannibal: I've got indigestion after having a millionaire for lunch.
1st Cannibal: Well I'm not surprised you've got indigestion. You've been told not to eat anything that's too rich.

Here are some examples of the jokes we have for you

What Do You Get? Jokes

What do you get if you cross a snake and a Lego set?
A boa constructor.

Mother-In-Law Jokes

No man is really successful until his mother-in-law admits it.

Jokes About Women Drivers

My wife is a careful driver; she always slows down when going through a red light.

Jokes About Having A Bad Day

You know you're having a bad day when your twin sister forgets your birthday.

Jokes About Work

He made so many mistakes at his last job that the government tried to hire him as a consultant.

Christmas Jokes

What does a sheep that doesn't like Christmas say?
Baaaa Humbug.

Did You Hear About? Jokes

Did you hear about the detective who became famous after solving crimes by pure chance?
He was called Sheer-Luck Holmes.

Jokes About Politicians

You can't fool all the people all the time, but if you can do it once every four years, you'll have a promising career ahead of you in politics.

Jokes About Boyfriends

Jill: You remind me of the sea.
Jack: Because I'm wild, unpredictable and romantic?
Jill: No, because you make me sick.

British Humour

I work in a library, and today, this guy came up to me and said, 'Do you have a bookmark?'
I said, 'Yes, we have loads of them! But my name is John.'

Jokes About Marriage

Husband: 'Your birthday is coming up, so I'd like some idea of what you'd like for your birthday.'
Wife: 'I want a divorce!'
Husband: 'I'm really sorry, but I hadn't planned to spend that much.'

Office Humor

A boss shows one of his staff his brand-new sports car.
'That is an amazing car,' the employee responds.
'Isn't it?' replies the boss. 'But if you can set your goals higher and work even harder this year, then I can get a much more expensive car next year.'
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