Jokes About Politicians
These jokes and stories about politics and politicians are sure to make you laugh out loud. In this collection of silly short stories and smart jokes, there is a surprise for everyone. So, take a moment to join us in our choices and start laughing! No matter if you like government leaders or not, it's always fun to make fun of them. No matter if the jokes are about a politician's latest mistake or broken promise, they will make you laugh out loud. There are 46 jokes in this category.
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You can't fool all the people all the time, but if you can do it once every four years, you'll have a promising career ahead of you in politics.
In one of his most stirring speeches, the politician said, 'For years they lied to you. For years, they cheated you. For years, they stole from you. Now give me a chance!
Ninety-nine percent of politicians give the rest a bad name.
To succeed in politics, it's often necessary to rise above your principles.
What happens to the child who goes to the grocery store and forgets what his mother sent him there for? He grows up to be a congressman.
They bury politicians 26 feet under because, deep down, they're nice guys.
Political T.V. commercials prove one thing: some candidates can tell all their good points and qualifications in just 30 seconds.
A politician needs to be able to see both sides of an issue to find a way to avoid it.
A politician is like a master of deception, always ready to cater to what they think will win over the voters.
If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal.
Make your M.P. work - don't re-elect him.
Politics is the art of making it sound as if Father Christmas comes earlier in the year.