Is there any training required to become a litter collector?
No, you pick it up as you go.
Dan: Do you enjoy your job cleaning chimneys?
Stan: Soots me.
He had to leave his previous employment due to illness and exhaustion. The boss was sick of him.
He made so many mistakes at his last job that the government tried to hire him as a consultant.
On his first day of work with the government, he was sacked. His supervisor caught him working.
The boss won't replace me with a computer. Where could he find a computer that grovels?
The man who can smile when everything else around him is going wrong is probably retiring next week.
What is the most effective remedy for insomnia?
a government position.
I like work; it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours.
Boss: 'Why are you late for work again?'
Employee: 'Sorry, boss, I overslept.'
Boss: 'You mean you sleep at home as well?'
Errors have been made.
Others will be blamed.
I work 40 hours a week to be this poor.