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Jokes About Work - Page 3 - With 12 More Jokes and Funny Stories

Here are more jokes about employment and work.

This is page 3 of 5. Showing jokes 25 to 36

Boss: Has your supervisor told you what to do?
New employee: Yes, sir, he told me to wake him up if I saw you coming.
Tom: What do you do for a living?
Jack: I work with figures.
Tom: You're an accountant?
Jack: No. A fitness instructor.
Work is accomplished by those employees who have not yet reached their level of incompetence.
'Duties will vary.'
Anyone in the office can boss you around and tell you what to do.
Hard work has a future payoff. Laziness pays off now.
If work is so terrific, why do they have to pay you to do it?
A good executive is a man who is happy to share the credit with the person who did all the work.
Before deciding to retire from working, it is best to stay home for a week and watch daytime TV shows.
Billy: Why did you quit your job at the toffee factory?
Joe: I bit off more than I could chew.
The owner of a large warehouse decided to make a surprise visit to check up on his staff. While walking through the warehouse, he spotted a young man sitting lazily in a corner.
'How much are you being paid a week?' said the owner angrily.
'Three hundred bucks,' replied the young man.
Taking out a fold of bills from his wallet, the owner slapped the money into the boy's hand and said, 'Here's a week's pay. Now get out and don't come back here again.'
Turning to one of the supervisors, he said, 'How long has that lazy guy worked here, anyway?'
'He doesn't work here,' said the supervisor.
'He just came to deliver a pizza.'
I left my last job because I was told to do something I didn't like.
Really! What was that?
The boss told me to look for another job.
Interviewer: 'In this job, we need someone who is responsible.'
Job Applicant: 'That's me. In my last job, whenever anything went wrong, they said I was responsible.'

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