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Did You Hear About? Jokes - Page 8 - With 12 More Jokes and Funny Stories

A selection of 'did you hear about the' jokes

This is page 8 of 15. Showing jokes 85 to 96

Did you hear about the two Cyclops who were always arguing with each other?
They could never see eye to eye about anything.
Did you hear about the man who stole a truckload of eggs?
He has returned them. Apparently he only did it for a yolk.
Did you hear about the new deodorant that has just been invented? It is called 'Vanish.'
You spray it on, and you become invisible - so no one knows where the smell is coming from.
Did you hear that the price of duck feathers has risen?
So now even down is up.
Did you hear about the paranoid bloodhound?
He was convinced that certain people were following him.
Did you hear about the cross-eyed optician?
He could never see eye to eye with his patients.
Did you hear about the man who liked to put on a clean pair of socks every day of the week?
By Friday, he could hardly get his shoes on.
Did you hear about the man who stole 10 bars of soap from a supermarket?
He made a clean getaway.
Did you hear about the horse who became depressed?
He started telling tales of whoa.
Did you hear about the young cat who went to work for the Red Cross?
She wanted to be a first aid kit.
Did you hear about the man who works in the watch factory?
He just stands around and makes faces all day.
Did you hear the joke about pizza?
Never mind, it's too cheesy.

You are currently on page 8 of 15

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