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Did You Hear About? Jokes - Page 15 - With 6 More Jokes and Funny Stories

A selection of 'did you hear about the' jokes

This is page 15 of 15. Showing jokes 169 to 174

Did you hear about the two kangaroos who got married?
They lived hoppily ever after.
Did you hear about the idiot who tried to iron his curtains?
He fell out of the window.
Did you hear about the idiot who listened to the big match?
He burnt his ear.
Did you hear about the man with two left ears?
He couldn't hear right.
Did you hear about the werewolf who was ill?
He lost his voice but it's howl right now.
Did you hear about the young octopus who became neurotic?
He was a crazy mixed-up squid.

Here are some randomly selected jokes from other categories


A man and his wife were watching golf on TV, and the commentary sound was rather low. The woman went to turn it up. 'Ssh,' said the husband, 'ssh. Not while he's putting.'


My uncle said, 'I've got this elephant that Won't talk to me.'
The vet said, 'What's his name?'
My uncle said, 'He won't even tell me that.'


If a train station is where a train stops and a bus station is where a bus stops, what is a work station?


What did Baron Frankenstein do when his monster's head fell off?
He made a bolt for it.


I glue all my bills together. Why? Mail bonding ritual.


If you get referees in football and umpires in cricket, what do you get in bowls?


An economist is one who thinks he knows more about money than the people who actually have it.


How do you save a drowning mouse?
Give it mouse to mouse resuscitation.

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