Home / Jokes About Computer Programmers & Users - Page 1

Jokes About Computer Programmers & Users - Page 1

Here is our selection of jokes and funny stories about computer programmers and users. There are 110 jokes in this category.
computer jokes

This is page 1 of 11. Showing jokes 1 to 10

Jokes About Computer Programmers & Users
How do you make friends with a computer
Bit by bit.
Jokes About Computer Programmers & Users
How do you park a computer?
You back it up.
Jokes About Computer Programmers & Users
How can you tell your computer is getting old?
It begins to lose its memory.
Jokes About Computer Programmers & Users
Why did the witch buy a computer?
She needed a spell checker.
Jokes About Computer Programmers & Users
What do you call a computer superhero?
A Screen Saver.
Jokes About Computer Programmers & Users
What's the first sign that your computer is getting old?
It starts to have memory problems.
Jokes About Computer Programmers & Users
Why was the computer feeling cold?
It had left Windows open.
Jokes About Computer Programmers & Users
What do computers like to eat when they are hungry?
Jokes About Computer Programmers & Users
Why do vikings never send e-mails?
They prefer to use Norse code.
Jokes About Computer Programmers & Users
Did you see which way the programmer went?
He went DATA way.

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