'Do you remember when you were born?'
'No, I was too young.'
'Driver, does this bus stop at the river?'
'If not, there's going to be a big splash.'
'I haven't had a single date this week.'
'I know. All your dates were married!'
'I passed your house yesterday.'
'Thanks. I appreciate it.'
'One mousetrap, please, in a hurry. I have to catch a bus.'
'Sorry, sir, our traps don't come that big.'
'I heard your son is a writer. Does he write for money?'
'Yes, in every letter we get.'
'They can't put you in jail for that!'
'Oh yeah? Where do you think I'm phoning from - the public library?'
'I once ate a watch.'
'Wasn't that time-consuming?'
'What did the rake say to the hoe?'
'Hi, hoe!'
'What do you call your new baby?
'The Prince of Wails.'
'What do you grow in your garden?'
'What happened to that handsome man who sent you flowers every week?'
'He married the girl who sold him the flowers.'