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Joke Topic - 'Medicine' - 5 Jokes and Funny Stories To Laugh At

Here are 5 jokes on the topic - 'Medicine'.

Related Topics: Nurses (6) Doctors (141) Hospitals (4) Surgeons (3)
Doctor: So what is Hamish complaining about now?>
Nurse: He says that he recovered before all his medicine was finished, so he wants a refund on the cost of his prescription.
Don't study medicine and law at the same time; it tries your patients
How do you get your revenge on a doctor?
Give him a taste of his own medicine.
Is it time for your medication or mine?
Why did the pony need some cough medicine?
He was a little hoarse.

Here are some randomly selected joke topics


Name the bees' favorite pop star.


Tact: The unsaid part of what you are thinking.


Why is it the loudest snorer is always the first one to get to sleep?


Waiter, waiter.
Are there snails on the menu?
Yes, there are, Sir; I'm afraid they must have escaped from the kitchen.


What's the difference between Bigfoot and a smart blonde?
Some people have seen Bigfoot.


Patient: I Think I've got amnesia.
Doctor: OK, then I will ask for my fee in advance.


Why are maths teachers so useless at gardening?
Everything that they plant grows square roots.


Waiter, waiter, you've given me a wet soup plate.
That's your soup, sir.


When is a man like a dog?
When he is a boxer.
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