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Why Do? Jokes - Page 2 - With 3 More Jokes and Funny Stories

This section contains our archive of old 'why do' jokes. They remain popular even though they are really ancient.

This is page 2 of 2. Showing jokes 13 to 15

Why do ex-barbers make such good parcel delivery drivers?
They know all the shortcuts.
Why do gorillas have such large nostrils?
Because they have large fingers.
Why do exorcists not have any friends?
Because they always scare the devil out of people.

Here are some randomly selected jokes from other categories

Restaurants Food

Why did the man order alphabet soup in the restaurant?
He wanted to eat his words.


It's a Shocker by Alec Tricity

What Did?

What did the wristwatch say to the clock?
Hour you doing?

What Has?

What has a bottom at the top?
I don't know. What has a bottom at the top?
Your legs.


What do you call tiny bugs that live on the moon?
Luna ticks!


I want to buy a truckload of goose feathers, but I can't afford the down payment.

What Did?

What did one computer say to the other computer?
You've got a nice interface.


Why was the baseball player sent to jail?
Because he stole second base.

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