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Joke Topic - 'Trees' - 7 Jokes and Funny Stories To Laugh At

Here are 7 jokes on the topic - 'Trees'.

A little withered old man walks into a timber company office and applies for a lumberjack job. The foreman politely tries to talk him out of the idea. After all, he is old, small, and looks much too weak to fell trees.
The old man picks up an axe and walks over to a huge redwood. As he goes to work, a high-pitched whine comes from the axe, chips of wood fly everywhere, and the odor of burning wood fills the air. In record time, the old man has finished chopping down the tree.
'That's just astounding,'the foreman says, 'wherever did you learn to chop down trees like that?'
'Well now,' the old man smiles, 'have you ever heard of the Sahara Forest?'
'You mean the Sahara Desert.'
'Sure, that's what it's called NOW...'
What do fir trees do when they are sad?
They pine a lot.
What do sad Christmas trees do?
They pine a lot.
What do you call a monster tree that wanders around the forest?
What do you get if you cross a palm tree with a frog?
A croakanut.
What has a bark but no bite?
A tree.
What is white, light, and sugary and swings from trees?
A meringue-utan.
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