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Joke Topic - 'Talking'

Here are 5 jokes on the topic - 'Talking'.

Bore: A person who talks when you wish him to listen.
Keep talking. I always yawn when I'm really interested.
Keep talking; someday, you'll say something intelligent.
What do you get if you cross a very talkative parrot with an ape?
A blab-boon.
What has a big mouth but is unable to talk?
A glass jar.

Here are some randomly selected joke topics


Nice perfume. Must you marinate in it?


The drunker I sit here, the longer I get.


Why don't dogs like traveling in planes?
They get jet wag.


Maid: Your husband's locked up for the night, ma'am.
Mistress: Fine, but I didn't hear him come in.
Maid: He didn't. The police just phoned.


The cannibal came home to find his wife chopping up snakes and a very small man.
'Oh no!' he groaned. 'Not snake and pygmy pie again.'


Cats flattened while you watch.


What do you call a ninety-year-old ant?
An antique.

Bus Drivers

How many BUS DRIVERS does it take to change a light bulb?
You've got to be joking - they won't even change a five-pound note.


My uncle said, 'I've got this woodpecker with no beak. What shall I call him?'
I said, 'A headbanger.
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