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Joke Topic - 'Space' - 3 Jokes and Funny Stories To Laugh At

Here are 3 jokes on the topic - 'Space'.

What do you call a wizard who travels in outer space?
A flying sorcerer.
What do you call it when cows fight a battle in outer space?
Steer Wars.
Why did NASA send Mickey Mouse into outer space?
To help look for Pluto.

Here are some randomly selected joke topics


Which famous Scottish poet is setting the place on fire?
Robert Burns.


I was supposed to work in the blood lab, but they told me I wasn't the right type for the job.


What do you call a bee that's had a spell cast on him?


Did you hear that the local food factory will not make sausages any longer?
They're long enough already.


What do you call a cow that likes to eat long grass?
A lawn moo-er.


My brother was in a restaurant. He said to the waiter, 'You said this was the dish of the day.'
The waiter said, 'It was sir. One day last year.

Getting Old

You know you're getting old when you stop combing your hair and start 'arranging' it.


What happens if you get scared half to death twice?


George: Boy! My diet must be working.
Joe: Why do you say that?
George: I can finally see the numbers on the bathroom scale when I look down.
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