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Joke Topic - 'Read'

Here are 4 jokes on the topic - 'Read'.


Bill: I just finished my first book.
Joe: Well done.
Bill: Thanks. Next year I'm planning to read another one.

I wrote this slowly 'cos I know you can't read very fast

If you can read this, I can slam on my brakes and sue you!

If you can't read
Watch this space

Here are some randomly selected joke topics


Better Judgement

Husband: You have to admit that men have much better judgement than women.
Wife: You're right. You married me and I married you.


What does a bee call his wife?


The price of duck feathers has just been increased.
This means that now even down is up.

Wet Paint

Wet Paint - this is not an instruction


Why did the baby firefly get awarded a prize at school?
Because he was very bright for his age.


Why did the lazy man apply for a job in the bakery?
Because he was a loafer.


I used to think.
What made you stop?


Don't you need a license to be that ugly?


How do you save a drowning mouse?
Give it mouse to mouse resuscitation.

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