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What Is? Jokes - Page 5

Jokes that ask the question 'what is'?

This is page 5 of 6. Showing jokes 49 to 60

What is red, wobbly, and flies?
A jellycopter.
What is the difference between a dog and a basketball player?
One drools and the other one dribbles.
What is black and white and makes a lot of noise?
A zebra with a drum kit.
What is black and white and has sixteen wheels?
A zebra on roller skates.
What is large and green and spends all day sitting alone in a corner?
The Incredible Sulk.
What is the best place to find a lot of diamonds?'
In a pack of cards.
What is the best thing to make if you are in a hurry?
What is the only thing you can break when you say its name?
What is something that is unable to walk but can run?
A river.
What is dark but made by light?
A shadow.
What is tall, Italian, and has a topping of pepperoni?
The leaning tower of Pizza.
What is another name for a store detective?
A counter spy.

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