What do you call a sheepdog's tail that is able to tell tall stories?
A shaggy dog tale.
What do you call a fake noodle?
An Impasta.
What do you call a horse that has Venetian blinds?
A zebra.
What do you call a rabbit who is really cool?
A hip hopper.
What do you call a crazy spaceman?
An astronut.
What do you call a prisoner's pet budgie?
A jailbird.
What do you call a woman who has a white face?
What do you call a baby budgie?
A budget.
What do you call a bald teddy?
Fred bear.
What do you call an egg that loves playing tricks?
A practical yolker.
What do you call the king of the Kleenex?
The hankie-chief.
What do you call a veterinary surgeon with laryngitis?
A hoarse doctor.