What do you call an elephant that never takes a bath?
A smellyphant.
What do you call someone who often shaves more than twenty times a day?
A barber.
What do you call a man with a jumbo jet on his head?
Ron Way.
What do you call a fly that doesn't have any wings?
A walk.
What do you call a baby potato?
A small fry.
What do you call a lady with both legs the same length?
What do you call two bananas?
A pair of slippers.
What do you call small Indian guitars?
Baby sitars.
What do you call someone who rides a white horse, wears a mask, and smells nice?
The Cologne Ranger.
What do you call a dance that features two metal containers?
The can can.
What do you call someone who is able to sing while drinking a bottle of fizzy drink?
A pop singer.
What do you call a prisoner's pet budgie?
A jail bird.