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Jokes About Women - Page 2 - With 3 More Jokes and Funny Stories

Here is our selection of jokes and funny stories that highlight the funny side of women.

This is page 2 of 2. Showing jokes 13 to 15

Behind every successful man there stands an amazed woman.
All women are beautiful, some are just less beautiful than others.
Even if a man could understand women, he still wouldn't believe it.

Here are some randomly selected jokes from other categories


What country do cows love to visit for their vacation?
Moo Zealand.

What Is?

What is round, white, and laughs a lot?
A tickled onion.

Knock Knock

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Cereal who?
Cereal pleasure to meet you.

Old Age

The older you get, the further it was to walk to school when you were a child.

What Is?

What is a successful perfume called?
A best smeller.


An economist is a person who can explain clearly what he does not understand.


What did the big Christmas cracker say to the little cracker?
My pop is bigger than yours.


Doctor, Doctor, my wooden leg is causing me a lot of pain.
Why is that?
My wife keeps hitting me over the head with it.

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