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Jokes About Wives - 114 Jokes and Funny Stories To Laugh At

With these jokes about wives, we poke fun at the idea that wives are professional 'naggers.' Enjoy a good laugh as we honor the unique aspects of marriage with these funny comments about the people we love. There are 114 jokes in this category.

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'My wife is very beautiful,' said the first man.
'Yes, indeed,' agreed his colleague. 'A bit like Venus de Milo.'
'Venus de Milo?'
'Yes, beautiful, but not all there.'
'There's nothing l wouldn't do for my wife,' said George as he drank his whiskey. 'And there's nothing she wouldn't do for me. And that's how we go through life - doing nothing for each other.'
A man went to his local police station and approached the desk sergeant. 'I want to report that my wife is missing,' he said as he handed over a photograph. 'That is my wife, and I want her to be found as soon as possible.'
The desk sergeant studied the photograph briefly, then asked, 'Why?'
He takes his wife out every night, but she always finds her way back.
I don't need a computer that has all the answers. I have a wife.
I never argue with my wife. I might win, and then I'd be in real trouble
If at first you don't succeed, try doing it the way your wife told you.
My wife recently had plastic surgery. I cut all her credit cards in half.
My wife says I only have two faults — everything I say and everything I do.
My wife says I talk in my sleep. But I'm skeptical. Nobody at work has ever mentioned it.
My wife says my problem is that I judge food too much by the taste.
My wife's motto: 'If the shoe fits, try on six or seven other pairs.'

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