What do Paddington Bear and Winnie The Pooh pack when they go on vacation?
The bear essentials.
'Does your vacation start soon?'
'Yes, my wife is leaving tomorrow.'
'What was your biggest vacation expense?'
'My wife.'
If you can't get away for a vacation, you can get the same feeling by
Staying home and tipping every second person you see.
On vacation, people drive thousands of miles to have their picture taken in front of their cars.
Our tour of Europe left my wife speechless. That was the best part of the trip.
People go on vacation to forget things, and when they open their suitcases, they find out they did.
Having a wonderful time! Wish I could afford it!
I went to a travel bureau and asked where I could go for $20. They told me.
If you look like your passport photo, chances are you're not well enough to travel.
Travel broadens one. So do too many ice cream sodas.
You're from out of town? Is this a pleasure trip, or do you have your
wife with you?