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Jokes About The Internet - 4 Jokes and Funny Stories To Laugh At

Here are some jokes about the internet. Get ready to giggle at the humorous side of the cyber world! There are 4 jokes in this category.

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Who surfs the internet and goes, 'Choo, Choo'?
Thomas the Search Engine.
Why did the spider go on the internet?
It was searching for a new website.
Have you visited the new website about trains?
It's just the ticket.
What happens when a burger goes on the Internet?
It gets flamed.

Here are some randomly selected jokes from other categories

Restaurants Food

Why were the strawberries crying?
Because they were in a jam!


What is the most important program on a witches computer?
A spell-checker.


The wedding cake is the only cake which, once eaten, can give you indigestion for the rest of your life.


When the cannibal girl reached the age of twenty-one her mother told her - "I think it's time you found yourself a nice edible young bachelor."

Knock Knock

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Little old lady
Little old lady who?
Gee, I didn't know you knew how to yodel.


When is a birthday cake just like a golf ball?
After it's been sliced.

Did You Hear About?

Did you hear about the man who stole 10 bars of soap from a supermarket?
He made a clean getaway.


One psychiatrist meets another on the street. He says, 'You're fine, how am I?'.
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