Jokes About Teachers - 22 Jokes and Funny Stories To Laugh At
Prepare to be entertained, and possibly get a new appreciation for the unpredictable but amusing world of teachers. Whether you are a student, parent, or teacher, these jokes will make you laugh. There are 22 jokes in this category.
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Teacher to Pupil: Can you name six things that have milk in them?
Pupil: Cheese, yogurt, cream - and three cows!
Teacher: 'Late again. What's the excuse this time?'
Pupil: 'Sorry, Sir. There was a notice on the bus saying Dogs must be carried, and I couldn't find one anywhere.'
Pupil: 'Excuse me, Sir, but I don't think I deserve a mark of zero for this exam paper.'
Teacher: 'Neither do I, but it's the lowest mark I can give.'
Did you hear about the cross-eyed teacher?
She couldn't control her pupils!
Old teachers do not die; they simply lose their class.
Teacher: 'What is the outer part of a tree called?'
Pupil: 'I don't know sir.'
Teacher: 'Bark, boy, bark.'
Pupil: 'Woof-woof.'
Teacher: 'Give me a sentence starting with the letter 'I''.
Pupil: 'I is-'
Teacher: 'No, you must always say 'I am'.'
Pupil: 'Okay, 'I am the ninth letter of the alphabet'.'
Teacher: Billy, why have you not given me your homework?
Billy: I made it into a paper airplane, and someone hijacked it.
In school, I was the teacher's pet.
She couldn't afford a dog.
Old teachers never die; they just grade away.
When is an English teacher like a judge?
When she hands out long sentences.
What's the difference between a teacher and a train engineer?
One minds the train; the other trains the mind.