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Jokes About Restaurants And Food - Page 6 - With 12 More Jokes and Funny Stories

Here are more of our jokes and funny stories about restaurants and food.

This is page 6 of 14. Showing jokes 61 to 72

Customer: This food tastes terrible. You told me that the meals here were just like the ones your mother used to make.
Waiter: They are. She couldn't cook either.
Customer: Why don't you have doggie bags?
Waiter: That would be considered cruelty to animals.
'Waiter, waiter. I don't like the flies in here.'
Well, come back tomorrow; we'll have new ones by then.'
Did you hear about the cannibal that arrived late for a dinner party? He said, 'Am I late?'
They said, 'Yes, everybody's eaten.'
Have you ever had chicken soup?
No, I've never known a chicken who could cook.
Waiter, waiter.
Are there snails on the menu?
Yes, there are, Sir; I'm afraid they must have escaped from the kitchen.
Diner: Waiter, this water is cloudy.
Waiter: No, it isn't, sir. It's the glass that's dirty.
Waiter, waiter, what do you recommend for my lunch?
For you, sir, I would recommend a diet.
Waiter, waiter, I can't eat this.
Why not, sir?
Because you haven't given me a knife and fork.
Diner: Waiter, when I ordered this steak, I said, 'Well done.'
Waiter: Thank you, Sir.
Why were the strawberries crying?
Because they were in a jam!
Diner: Waiter, do you have crepes, Suzette?
Waiter: Sorry, sir, we don't have any crepes. And my name is George, not Suzette.

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