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Jokes About Frogs - Page 2

Here are more of our jokes and funny stories about frogs.

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Jokes About Frogs
What do you call a frog spy?
A croak and dagger agent.
Jokes About Frogs
How do frogs die?
They Kermit suicide.
Jokes About Frogs
What do you get if you cross a frog with a small dog?
A croaker spaniel.
Jokes About Frogs
What happens when you drink Frognog?
You croak.
Jokes About Frogs
A frog telephoned the Psychic Hot line and was told, "You are going to meet a beautiful, young woman who will want to know everything about you."
The frog said, "That's great! Will I meet her at a party?"
"No," said the psychic. "Next term--in her biology class."
Jokes About Frogs
There was a small frog who needed a loan to buy a new car. He went in to see the loan officer, Mr.Patrick Whack. I'd like to have a loan, the frog said timidly. The loan officer said: "well, do you have any collateral?" "Well, said the frog, all I have is this small charm, that has been in the family for years, will it do?" The loan officer wasn't sure so he went in to see the bank manager. "There is this small frog outside who needs to buy a new car, and the only collatteral he has is this" and he handed the charm to the bank manager. The bank manager looked at the charm and said:
"It's a knick-knack, Paddy Whack, give the frog a loan!"

Here are some randomly selected jokes from other categories


Why do psychics have to ask you for your name?


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Captain Kirk

How many ears has Captain Kirk got?
Three - his left ear, his right ear, and the final frontier!


If your brain was chocolate it wouldn't fill an M&M.


What do you call a box of ducklings?
A box of quackers.

A Crime Wave

Did you hear about the crooked mermaid?
She was arrested for starting a crime wave.

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