If big elephants have big trunks, do little elephants have suitcases? I
Why did the elephant have a lousy vacation?
The airline lost his trunk!
Why is an elephant always ready to go on holiday? It's always carrying around its trunk.
What did the elephants say when they saw Tarzan leaving the jungle?
How can you tell if there is an elephant in your refrigerator?
The door won't close.
How can you tell if an elephant has been in your refrigerator?
By the footprints in the butter.
What's grey on the inside and pink and white on the outside?
An inside out elephant.
Why do elephants wear polka dotted tennis shoes?
So they can hide in Candy jars.
(Did you ever see an elephant hiding in a Candy Jar?
See how well they work!)
While taking a long drink at a pond, an elephant happened to glance up and spot a giant snapping turtle lazing on a nearby stone. It's eyes narrowing, the elephant lumbered over and wacked the turtle repeatedly with his trunk. And, for good measure, he raised a foot and squashed the turtle flat with a mighty stomp. A zebra, passing by, saw this attack, and approached the elephant with intention to investigate. He arrived just as the elephant was shaking his paw disdainfully to dislodge the remnants of the turtle. "Why did you do such a such a vile deed?", neighed the zebra.
"This is the same animal that bit the tip of my trunk over 8 years ago!"
"How can you be so certain?", inquired the zebra, "you would need to have an infallible memory!"
Raising it's head proudly, the elephant said, "Turtle recall!"
Why did the elephant stand on the marshmallow?
So she wouldn't fall into the hot chocolate.
How do you get an elephant out of a tree?
Stand it on a leaf and wait till autumn.
Did you hear that the elephants at the circus are going on strike?
They're tired of working for peanuts.