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Jokes About Doctors - Page 19 - With 4 More Jokes and Funny Stories

Here are more of our jokes and funny stories about doctors.

This is page 19 of 19. Showing jokes 217 to 220

Why is it that doctors call what they do a "practice"?
Patient: Doctor, doctor, I've got skin trouble.
Doctor: Have you?
Patient: Yes, I can't peel this banana.
Did you hear about the man who went to the doctor and said he thought he was a suitcase?
The doctor sent him packing.
Patient: Doctor, I think that I'm a tree.
Doctor: We need to try and get to the root of your problem.

Here are some randomly selected jokes from other categories

For Children

Which famous Roman general always had colds?
Julius Sneezer!


The lawyer's motto - Where there's a will there's a pay.

Restaurants Food

Waiter, Waiter.
There's a fly in my soup.
Don't worry, sir, they don't drink much.


Why should you never tell your secrets to a pig?
Because he is a squealer.


What do ghostly soldiers say to strangers?
Halt who ghost there?

For Children

Where do rabbits go after they get married?
On their bunnymoon!


The best way to recapture your youth is to take the car keys away from him.

Women Drivers

Traffic Cop: Lady, you're under arrest for speeding.
Lady Driver: I wasn't a speeding officer, though I did just pass a few men drivers who were. You should arrest them.

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