Is it true that cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny?
The cannibal came home to find his wife chopping up snakes and a very small man.
'Oh no!' he groaned. 'Not snake and pygmy pie again.'
Why was the cannibal expelled from school?
Because he kept buttering up the teacher.
What did one cannibal say to another?'Who was that girl I saw you with last night?'
'That was no girl; that was my supper.'
Father Cannibal To Daughter: It's time you got married. We'll start looking for an edible bachelor.
What do the guests do at a cannibal wedding?
They toast the bride and groom.
A sign over a cannibal's hut: 'I never met a man I didn't like.'
What happened when the cannibals ate a comedian?
They had a feast of fun.
1st Cannibal: Am I late for supper?
2nd Cannibal: Yes everybody's eaten.
What did the cannibal say when he met the famous explorer?
Doctor Livingstone, I consume?
What do cannibals eat for breakfast?
Buttered host.
'I don't think much of your wife.'
'Well, never mind, just eat the vegetables.'