His birthday party was canceled due to rain. The candles on his cake set off the sprinkler system.
What's the best way to remember your wife's birthday?
Forget it once.
I used to hate my brother when we were kids. One year, my mum said, 'Do you know it's his birthday tomorrow?'
I said, 'Thanks for telling me, I'll give him my cough.'
When is a birthday cake just like a golf ball?
After it's been sliced.
Ted: My birthday is coming soon. Do you know what I need?
Tim: Yes, I know what you need, but how do you gift-wrap a life?
For weeks I've been telling you not to buy anything for my birthday and yet you still forgot to bring me something.
Well, this definitely is a surprise birthday party. There are only 39 candles on your cake!
How does Moby Dick celebrate his birthday?
By having a whale of a party.
A kindly old lady saw a little boy sitting on the pavement, crying his eyes out. 'What's the matter?' she asked.
'It's my birthday!' he exclaimed. 'I received a bicycle and a PlayStation, and later today, there will be a party with snacks, dessert, and a disco to follow.' He had to pause his speech as tears overwhelmed him.
'But that's lovely,' said the old lady. 'So why are you crying?'
'Because I'm lost!'
George: This year my wife gave me a wonderful birthday present.
Fred: What was it?
George: She let me win an argument.
'I was sure you would forget my birthday, so I bought this fur coat.'
'I'm looking forward to my 23rd birthday.'
'You're facing in the wrong direction.'