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Jokes About Animals - Page 3 - With 12 More Jokes and Funny Stories

Here are more of our funny jokes about animals.

This is page 3 of 5. Showing jokes 25 to 36

Which rabbits were famous bank robbers?
Bunny and Clyde.
What did the buffalo say when he dropped his boy off at school?
'Bye, son!'
Where does a baby ape like to sleep?
In an apricot.
Why are goats fun to have at your party?
They are always kidding around.
What breed of dog did Count Dracula have?
A bloodhound.
What does a skunk do when it gets angry?
It raises a stink!
Where do sheep go to get their hair cut?
To the baa-baa shop.
What type of animal is no fun at a party?
A boar!
What happens if a chimp falls and twists his ankle?
He gets a monkey wrench.
Why is it difficult for leopards to hide?
Because they're always spotted.
How many sheep does it take to make a woolly sweater?
I didn't even know they could knit.
If a monkey is just like his father, what is he frequently called?
A chimp off the old block.

You are currently on page 3 of 5

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