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Joke Topics Beginning with the letter 'P' - Page 7

This is page 7 of the index of joke topics that begin with the letter 'P'.

The joke topics listed on this page are: - Psychiatrists - Psychics - Pubs - Pupils - Puppies - Putting - Pyramids.

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Here are some randomly selected joke topics beginning with the letter 'P'


Why go to a psychiatrist when you can stay at home and talk to the ceiling for free?


What goes 'putt, putt, putt, putt'?
A poor golfer.


Did you hear about the cross-eyed teacher?
She couldn't control her pupils!


'I'd like a puppy for my son,' the man said as he walked into the pet store.
'Sorry sir,' said the store owner, 'we don't do part exchange.'


Is dogma a puppy mommy?


Did you hear what happened when a car mechanic went to see a psychiatrist?
He lay down under the couch.


Veterinarian: Has your dog ever had fleas?
Little Boy: No, just puppies!


If you drink, don't drive. Don't even putt.


How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb?
How many doyouthink it takes?


Doctor, Doctor, I think I'm a dog.
How long have you felt like this?
Ever since I was a puppy!
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