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Joke Topics Beginning with the letter 'M' - Page 2

This is page 2 of the index of joke topics that begin with the letter 'M'.

The joke topics listed on this page are: - Men - Mice - Mickey Mouse - Milk - Millionaires - Mirrors - Missing - Missionaries - Mistakes - Mistletoe.

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Here are some randomly selected joke topics beginning with the letter 'M'


What do baby outlaws like eating with their milk?

Mickey mouse

Doctor, doctor. Every time I stand up quickly, I see Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy.
OK, how long have you had these Disney spells?


What do you get from pampered cows?
Spoiled milk.


What do you get if you cross an elephant with a cat?
Very nervous mice.


When does a mouse need an umbrella?
When it's raining cats and dogs.


Cashier: Would you like your milk in a bag?
Customer: No, just leave it in the carton!

Mickey mouse

Why did NASA send Mickey Mouse into outer space?
To help look for Pluto.


Did you hear what happened when the cows refused to be milked?
There was udder chaos.


Carol: I heard a mouse squeak.
Steven: Well, what do you want me to do? Oil it?


Teacher to Pupil: Can you name six things that have milk in them?
Pupil: Cheese, yogurt, cream - and three cows!
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