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Joke Topic - 'Watches' - 5 Jokes and Funny Stories To Laugh At

Here are 5 jokes on the topic - 'Watches'.

Did you hear about the man who works in the watch factory?
He just stands around and makes faces all day.
I gave my mother-in-law a waterproof, shockproof, anti-magnetic, unbreakable watch. She went and lost it.
Joe: He must be in the watch business.
Bill: Whatever gave you that idea?
Joe: Whenever I work. he watches.
What did the burglar say to the watchmaker when he robbed the watch store?
Sorry to take so much of your valuable time.
Why did the watch go on vacation?
To unwind.

Here are some randomly selected joke topics


What should you do if you see a blue monster?
Try and cheer him up.


Cashier: Would you like your milk in a bag?
Customer: No, just leave it in the carton!


My wife keeps complaining I never listen to her or something like that.


How did the little Scottie dog feel when he saw the Loch Ness monster?


Name the bees' favorite pop star.


Why did the police arrest the turkey?
They suspected it of foul play.


Waiter, waiter, this food isn't fit for a pig.'
'Very good, sir. I'll go and get you some that is.'


Did you hear about the woman who couldn't find a singing partner?
She ended up buying a duet-your-self kit.


What animal likes a leap year?
A kangaroo.
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