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Joke Topic - 'Walking' - 3 Jokes and Funny Stories To Laugh At

Here are 3 jokes on the topic - 'Walking'.

John: My wife drives me to drink.
Henry: You're lucky. I have to walk.
What do you call a man who walks through the autumn leaves?
What is something that is unable to walk but can run?
A river.

Here are some randomly selected joke topics


Did you know, Peter, I got a new set of golf clubs for my wife last week.'
'Oh, David, what a bargain.'


Why was the zombie awarded a medal?
Because he was dead-icated!


What type of fish only comes out at night?
A starfish.


Teenage Driver: But, officer, I'm a college graduate.
Traffic Cop: Sorry, but ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law.


CAUTION! I Drive The Same Way As You!


Who wrote Oliver Twist?
How the dickens should I know?


Wife: Why did you come home at 4 am this morning?
Husband: Where else can you go at 4 in the morning in this town?


My girlfriend's cooking is just like a good man, it's hard to keep down.


Why was Cinderella dropped from the football team?
She ran away from the ball.
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