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Joke Topic - 'Vegetarian'

Here are 2 jokes on the topic - 'Vegetarian'.


Why did Dracula become a vegetarian?
Because stake doesn't agree with him.

Why did the cannibal become a vegetarian?
He went right off people.

Here are some randomly selected joke topics


Knock Knock

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Demure who?
Demure the merrier.


What do you call a country where all of the cars are pink?
A pink carnation.


I was out drinking in a bar last night and a woodworm asked me: "Is the bar tender here?


Why did the witch drop out of school?
She couldn't spell.


"I'm not under the alkafluence of inkahol that some thinkle peep I am.
It's just the drunker I sit here the longer I get."


Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Emmett who?
Emmett the front door, not the back one.


Did you hear about the rich rabbit?
He was a millionhare.

On Time

Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Huron who?
Huron time for a change.


Waiter, waiter, there's a small fly in my soup.
I'm sorry, sir. Shall I get you a bigger one?

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