Diner: Waiter, why do you call this Enthusiasm stew?
Waiter: Because the chef has put everything she's got into it.
What is a thespian pony?
A little horse play.
Do you know what is black and blue and found in a ditch?
A man who told one too many blonde jokes.
What's the secret to getting a laugh out of a blonde on Monday mornings?
Share a funny joke with them on Friday night.
Father Christmas
Where does Father Christmas stay when he takes a vacation?
In a ho ho hotel.
Did you hear about the angry inchworm?
He was angry because he was told he had to convert to the metric system.
Why did the two cats get married?
They were a purr-fect match.
Did you hear about the stupid yachtsman who had his arm cut off so that he could sail around the world single-handed?
Don't rush me; I get paid by the hour.