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Joke Topic - 'The Forest'

Here is 1 joke on the topic - 'The Forest'.


Two idiots traveled deep into the forest searching for a Christmas tree. After many hours in the deep snow and biting wind, one idiot turned to the other and said, "I'm chopping down the next tree I see. I don't care whether or not its decorated!"

Here are some randomly selected joke topics



What do you call a hippy's wife?

Light Bulbs

How many Labour Party members does it take to change a light bulb?
None. They haven't got a policy on that.

A Skeleton

What does a skeleton usually order when he has a meal in a restaurant?
Spare ribs.


I keep trying to write a song about drinking but I just can't get past the first few bars.


A consultant is a person who borrows your watch, tells you what time it is, pockets the watch, and sends you a bill for it.


Did you hear about the fence builder who got fired for deserting his posts?

James Bond

Who was the first underwater spy?
James Pond.


Of course I'm listening to you don't you see me yawning?


Q: What did the blonde say when she dropped the priceless Ming vase?
A: "It's OK Daddy, I'm not hurt."

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