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Joke Topic - 'Sandwiches'

Here are 6 jokes on the topic - 'Sandwiches'.

How can you tell if there is an elephant in your sandwich?
It's too heavy to lift.
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Aida who?
Aida whole sandwich for my lunch.
My sister said to her friend, 'Do you like worms?'
Her friend said, 'No, they're 'orrible things.'
My sister said, 'Why did you just eat one in your sandwich then?'
Waiter: What will you have, sir?
Golfer: A club sandwich please.
What is a mummy's favorite kind of sandwich?
A wrap!
You know you're having a bad day when - You call your wife and tell her that you would like to eat out tonight, and when you get home, there is a sandwich on the front porch.

Here are some randomly selected joke topics


Have you ever had chicken soup?
No, I've never known a chicken who could cook.


What's the secret to getting a laugh out of a blonde on Monday mornings?
Share a funny joke with them on Friday night.


Where do astronauts leave their spaceships?
At parking meteors.


Did you hear that the price of duck feathers has risen?
So now even down is up.


What did the parakeet say when he finished shopping?
Just put it on my bill.


'Duties will vary.'
Anyone in the office can boss you around and tell you what to do.


What do you get if you cross a giraffe and a dog?
An animal that likes to chase low-flying aeroplanes.


Did you hear what happened when the Eskimo girl fell out with her boyfriend?
She gave him the cold shoulder.


Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Ya who?
I didn't know you were a cowboy.
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