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Joke Topic - 'Roman' - 2 Jokes and Funny Stories To Laugh At

Here are 2 jokes on the topic - 'Roman'.

What do you call a Roman emperor with flu?
Julius Sneezer.
Which famous Roman general always had colds?
Julius Sneezer!

Here are some randomly selected joke topics


What is the difference between a lawyer and a vampire?
A vampire only sucks blood at night.


Why was the blonde tiptoeing past the medicine cabinet?
So she wouldn't wake up the sleeping pills.


Why are dogs not good dancers?
Because they have two left feet.

Christmas Presents

What Christmas present do you give to a train driver?
Platform shoes.


Pigs might fly, but this one drives


What do you call an overweight Egyptian mummy?
Two ton Carmen.


Did you hear about the entertainer who did a show for the cannibals?
They say that he went down really well.


What should you do if someone offers you a rock cake?
Take your pick.


What do you call a cow with only three legs?
Lean beef.
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