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Joke Topic - 'Rivers' - 2 Jokes and Funny Stories To Laugh At

Here are 2 jokes on the topic - 'Rivers'.

What is something that is unable to walk but can run?
A river.
Where do fish wash?
In a river basin.

Here are some randomly selected joke topics


Where do footballers dance?
At a football.


Where did the astronaut get his degree?
At the mooniversity!


Why was the blonde staring at the can of frozen orange juice?
Because it said concentrate.


What do you call a Teletubby who's been robbed?
A tubby


How many folk singers does it take to change a light bulb?
Six - one to do all the work and five to write a song about how good the old one was.


Why did the chicken cross the road?
Too long to go around.


Did you hear about the man who kept thinking he was Dracula?
He was a right pain in the neck.


Why do squirrels always 'live happily ever afterward'?
Because they have furry tail ends.


What do you call a box of ducklings?
A box of quackers.
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