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Joke Topic - 'Refund'

Here is 1 joke on the topic - 'Refund'.


Doctor: So what is Hamish complaining about now?>
Nurse: He says that he recovered before all his medicine was finished so he wants a refund on the cost of his prescription.

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Judge: "Do you wish to challenge any of the jury?
Prisoner: "Well, I think I can lick that little fellow on this end..."


Include Your Children when Baking Cookies


Why do sqirrels always 'live happily ever afterwards'?
Because they have furry tail ends.


What should you say to a dog before he eats?
Bone appetite!


Nostalgia is a thing of the past


What do witches sing at Christmas?
"Deck the Halls with Poison Ivy."

Santa Claus

Who delivers Christmas presents to the police station?
Santa Clues.


Why did the king visit his dentist?
To have his teeth crowned!


Reincarnation is making a comeback

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