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Joke Topic - 'Prunes' - 4 Jokes and Funny Stories To Laugh At

Here are 4 jokes on the topic - 'Prunes'.

Did you hear about the man who stole a truckload of prunes?
He's been on the run for the last month.
Did you hear that a truckload of prunes has been stolen? Police are searching for a man on the run.
Prunes give you a run for your money.
Why did the banana go out with the prune?
Because he couldn't find a date.

Here are some randomly selected joke topics


The judge fined the offender fifty dollars and told him he would be thrown in jail if he was caught again. It is fine today but cooler tomorrow.


Ten-year-old's response to the question, 'When dead, what do you want to be remembered for?': 'Ever.'


John: I hear that you lost your job as a golf caddy.
Paul: Yeah, I could do the work all right, but I just couldn't stop laughing.


How does a contented kitten feel?
Cat-isfied with life.


What do you get when a dinosaur has a car accident?
Tyrannosaurus wrecks.


What's grey, has four legs, and a trunk?
A mouse on vacation.


Diner: Excuse me, waiter, but is there spaghetti on the menu?
Waiter: No, but I am sure that we have some in the kitchen.


What does a shark like to eat for lunch?
Fish and ships!


Ten-year-old's reply to 'What famous London landmark has a figure with only one eye?': 'Cleopatra's needle.'
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