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Joke Topic - 'Pretty' - 2 Jokes and Funny Stories To Laugh At

Here are 2 jokes on the topic - 'Pretty'.

Joe: Your wife is pretty old.
Bob: Thank you. She was even prettier when she was younger.
My new girlfriend is as pretty as a flower.
A cauliflower.

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' Oh, I'm sorry, sir. I must have brought you cocoa by mistake.'


In any office, you can always tell who the boss is. He's the one who watches the clock during your coffee break.


Doctor, doctor, I feel like I'm part of the Internet!
Well, you do look a site.


Men are like Used Cars.
Both are easy to get, cheap, and they prove to be unreliable.


Did you hear about the wealthy Arab who bought a herd of cows?
He became a milk sheikh.


What did Tarzan say to Jane when he came home from a hard day at work?
It's a jungle out there.


What did one candle say to the other?
You keep getting on my wick.


I'm not an alcoholic; I'm a drunk!
Alcoholics go to meetings!


Never mind the star - get those camels off my lawn!
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