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Joke Topic - 'Postmen' - 2 Jokes and Funny Stories To Laugh At

Here are 2 jokes on the topic - 'Postmen'.

Postman: Is this letter for you? The name is smudged.
Man: No, it can't be for me; my name is Smith.
Postmen awarded a pound

Here are some randomly selected joke topics


Twelve-year-old in French class was asked the difference between Madame and Mademoiselle: 'Monsieur.'


What does an astronaut do in the morning before he puts on his clothes?
He takes a meteor shower.


Twelve-year-old's essay on 'What would you do to try and encourage motorists to show more consideration for others?': 'I would drive a police car.'


How many cops does it take to screw in a light bulb?
None. It turned itself in.


Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Soda who?
Soda you.


A man went into a pet shop and asked the assistant if they had any dogs going cheap.
He replied, 'Sorry sir, all ours go woof.'


Wife: One more word from you, and I will leave you and go back to my mother.
Husband: Taxi!


What type of bird flies in formation and releases red, white and blue smoke?
The red sparrows.


Did you hear about the child who was named after his father?
They called him dad.
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