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Joke Topic - 'Police' - Page 3 - With 5 More Jokes and Funny Stories

This is page 3 of jokes on the topic - 'Police'.

Related Topics: Detectives (5) Sherlock Holmes (7) Policemen (16) Cops (3)
When the driver of a squad car was out in the countryside covering a quiet beat, he was taken aback to see a former lieutenant on the police force patrolling the beat. He stopped the car and asked, 'Why, Johnny, this can't be your new beat out here in the sticks, is it?'
'That true,' Johnny replied grimly, 'ever since I arrested a judge on his way to a masquerade ball.'
'You mean you pinched his honor?' asked Pat.
Johnny asked, "How was I to know that his prison uniform was just a costume?"
' Well,' mused Pat, 'tis life, and there's a lesson in this somewhere.'
'That there is,' replied Johnny. 'You should never book a judge by his cover.'
Why did the police arrest the turkey?
They suspected it of foul play.
Why don't the police ever arrest skeletons?
Because it's difficult to pin anything on them.
Yesterday thieves broke into a police station and sto
Yo' momma's so fat, the local police force hired her to be a roadblock!

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What is red and white, and it gives gifts to good little fish at Christmas?
Sandy Claws.


You should laugh at your problems; everyone else does.


What kind of test does a Vampire take when he is in school?
A blood test.


Why is a football player like an airline passenger?
They both want safe touchdowns.


Do you suffer from Dan Druff?
Well, just tell him to go away and leave you alone.


Did you hear about the two boa constrictors who recently got married?
They had a crush on each other.


Old drinkers never die.
They just get plastered.


Lack Of Brains Hinders Research


How do you park a computer?
You back it up.
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