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Joke Topic - 'Plumbers' - 6 Jokes and Funny Stories To Laugh At

Here are 6 jokes on the topic - 'Plumbers'.

An emergency plumber was called to clear out a blocked pipe. That'll be $35, he told the homeowner after banging on the pipes for 15 minutes. The homeowner said, 'thirty five dollars!!!!- why thats $140 per hour!! I'm a lawyer and I only make $100 an hour!!'
The plumber replies, 'yeah, thats what I got when I was a lawyer.'
Arnold saw an advertisement for a handyman for an apartment complex and decided to apply for the job.
'What do you know about plumbing was the interviewer's first question.
'Nothing at all,' said George.
'Well what about electricity?'
'Not a thing.'
'How about gardening then?'
'Never cut a lawn in my life.'
'Then tell me,' said the confused interviewer, 'just what makes you so handy?'
'I live right around the corner,' said Arnold.
Did you hear about the man who had a new bath fitted in his house?
The plumber asked him, 'Would you like a plug for it?'
The man replied, 'Oh, I didn't know it was electric.'
What did the plumber say to his girlfriend called Flo when he wanted to find a new girlfriend?
It's all over Flo.
What do you get if you cross Count Dracula with a plumber?
A drain in the neck.
What type of vegetables do plumbers fix?

Here are some randomly selected joke topics


What do you call a man who lives on the sheltered side of a hill?


Have you ever wondered why animals are made of meat if we're not supposed to eat them?


Why did the skunk use loads of paper hankies?
Because he had a stinking cold.


What goes oom, oom?
A cow walking backward.


Did you hear about the idiot who thought that bacteria was the rear of a cafeteria?


Why did the lightbulb not go to college?
Because it wasn't very bright.


Husband: You must admit that men have much better judgment than women.
Wife: You're right. You married me, and I married you.


Why was the butcher so worried?
His job was at steak.

Bus Drivers

How many BUS DRIVERS does it take to change a light bulb?
You've got to be joking - they won't even change a five-pound note.
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